"If The Rich Win..." A critical take on "The End is Nigh" prophets, for the pandemic era.


March 27, 2020: During our "shelter in place" lockdown here in California, many of us have discussed how to respond creatively. Oligarchy is a pre-existing condition in our body politic, and has already made the pandemic more virulent and deadly than it needed to be.... So, I took a great old sign by Allan Sekula, and a monk's cowl costume piece I found in the labyrinth beneath a college campus long ago in Philadelphia...and did this action:"The response of the moment. A radical take on "The End Is Nigh." We cannot go back to business as usual, and we have to recognize the other societal plagues that make this pandemic so much more dangerous than it would have to be--lack of universal medical care, destruction of biodiversity, outrageous inequality, labor precarity, corruption and profiteering off of disaster...(not to mention someone saying "everything is fine" for too long in the futile attempt to keep the stock market from going down). The sign is by the late great artist Allan Sekula, and distributed by Kadist (kadist.org). Thanks to Joan Howard for photography (from a safe social distancing distance, of course.)"

L.M. Bogad

Bogad writes, performs, and strategizes with mischievous artists such as the Yes Men, Agit-Pop, and La Pocha Nostra. He is a veteran of the Lincoln Center Theatre Director’s Laboratory, and a co-founder of the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army.


Reviews of Tactical Performance


“New Situationists” Exhibit – Pro Arts Gallery, Downtown Oakland, and Performances on April 21 and 22