ASK YOUR LOCAL LIBRARY to get these books, for everyone to read for free!

If any of these books look useful or interesting to you, of course it would be great if you bought them!  But—what if you went to your local library (online or in person), and made a request for them to buy copies to put on their shelves? That way lots of people can read them, for free, using one of the greatest egalitarian collective resources we have—your local public library.

All you need to do is find the “Contact Us” or “Suggest a Purchase” link on line at your local library website, or go there in person and ask a librarian how you can fill out that request form. It just takes a minute! They may or may not purchase the book, depending on their own budget and priorities, but it’s worth a try, and can help get the word out about creative activism for free to more people. Thank you!